Rent Schneider Self Rotating Polarizer 4x5.65 Filter and more lens accessories in manhattan and brooklyn

Schneider Self Rotating Polarizer 4×5.65 Filter


Schneider Self Rotating Polarizer 4×5.65 Filter

The tray itself has a lightweight and rigid aluminum construction. Rotating the gears that extend from either side of the tray will adjust the polarizer in order to easily achieve your desired result. The advantage of this setup over a standard filter is apparent when the matte box is mounted on LWS rods. Normally this setup prevents the full 360° rotation of 4×5.65 filters. With the Rota-Pola solution, the filter rotation takes place inside the tray, so there is no interference with LWS rods. Additionally, matte boxes that don’t feature rotating filter stages will now be useable in shots that require a rotated polarizer.


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