Rent K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI in Nyc

K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI

Rent K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI in New York City.


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Rent K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI in New York City.

The K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI Light features K5600 Lighting’s classic “bare bulb” design. This means it pairs perfectly with chimeras, as it has been designed to reflect brilliantly off the reflective interior of lightboxes. Furthermore, this kit is very lightweight. In fact, it fits in one small airline case that all together weighs 38 pounds. That is only slightly more than the 400w, which produces half the output. Moreover, this light only requires 11 Amps to output a 4,000 Watt quartz fixture. This is why the K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI Light is perfect for filmmakers on-the-go.
From interviews, to television shows, to daylight interiors, the 800W Joker-Bug will be a strong addition to your lighting kit.

Lenses are available in Medium, Wide, Super Wide and Frosted Fresnel.

Click here for all the specs.


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