The Quasar Science R-Rainbow RGBX LED Lights are now at LVR!
Quasar Science’s new Q-LED Rainbow Linear LED Lamps can illuminate your set with all the colors of the RGBX spectrum and then some, from vibrant, saturated colors to light pastels. They also feature powerful white light capabilities, going up to 2000°K Candlelight and 6000°K Daylight.
Additionally, each lamp is equipped with a DMX port, in order to chain lamps together. They feature standard Lumen Radio CRMX transceivers, allowing you to control them remotely using any compatible transmitters.
Each lamp has an OLED display, giving you full control over the intensity, temperature, hue, saturation, +/- green, effects and more.
Diagram Credit: Quasar Science.
• Independent 2000-6000°K diodes yield full range, saturated spectrum
light without “muddy effects of RGB derived light”
• Slender, linear, easy to hide
• On-Board control panel
• Can be wired for DMX data control and chaining
multiple lamps together
• Wireless control capabilities
• Self ballasted AC input
Click here to view all the specs.
Click here to rent the Q-LED Rainbow LED Lamps with RGBX at LVR!
For any questions about renting or more information about the Quasar Science Rainbow Lamps, give us a call at (212) 594-0086 or email [email protected]