Tiffen 6x6 81EF Light Balancing Filter

Tiffen Combination Light Balancing 81EF/ND 6×6 Filters

Available for Rent in New York City!


Tiffen 6.6×6.6″ Combination Light Balancing 81EF/ND Filters is useful with daylight corrected film in cool light conditions. This filter is made using ColorCore technology, a process that involves laminating the filter substrate between 2 pieces of optical glass and grinding flat to a tolerance of 1/10,000th of an inch.

  • Light balancing filter decreases color temperature and provides a warming effect.
  • Subtracts 650K in order to attain 3200K color balance from 3850K illumination.
  • Filter factor of 1.5 requires a 0.6-stop increase in exposure.
  • Creates warmer tones and brighter colors on overcast days or when shooting with electronic flash
  • Great for improving flesh tones
  • 81A converts tungsten 3200 K film to 3400 K lighting
  • 81EF Adds Significant Warmth to Image
  • Allows Use of Fast Film in Bright Light
  • ColorCore Glass