ARRI Chimera Octa 4 for Orbiter LED Light

ARRI Chimera Octa 4 for Orbiter LED Light

Available for Rent in New York City!


The Chimera Octa 4 for Orbiter LED Light from Arri is a modifier that softens the quality of light output from the LED light instrument. Its soft silver interior fabric maximizes light output and saturation, while its removable inner baffle, removable full-stop front diffuser, and half-stop front diffuser offer an array of available levels of softness. This softbox also accepts Chimera fabric grids to provide a more directional output, and reduce potential flare, without reducing softness.

Key Features:

  • Soft Silver Interior
  • Removable Inner Baffle, Front Diffusers
  • Required Orbiter Speed Ring Included
  • Optional Fabric Grids

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