Angenieux EZ-1 30-90mm Super 35 Cinema Lens Rental Nyc

Angenieux EZ-1 30-90mm Super 35 E Mount Cinema Lens

Available For Rent in New York City!


Angenieux’s EZ-1 30-90mm Super 35 E Mount Cinema Lens is a fast zoom for 3-perf Super 35mm sized sensors. This version of the lens ships with a PL mount and the Super 35 rear optical assembly. It features a T2.0 aperture and focuses down to 2′ in front of the image plane while weighing in at only 4.7 pounds. The 114mm front diameter of the lens is a common diameter compatible with cinema-style matte boxes. The lens features independent focus, iris, and zoom control rings with cinema standard gear teeth. A removable support foot can be repositioned for when you need to rotate your lens off of a standard mounting orientation.

Manual Lens Control Rings

Featuring independent manual control rings for focus, iris, and zoom. Each control ring incorporates industry standard 0.8 lens gear teeth.

114mm Front Diameter

The EZ-1 shares the same 114mm front common to the Angenieux OPTIMO lens series, allowing you to easily share matte boxes between the EZ-1 and the OPTIMO lenses.

Temperature Stability

The EZ series of lenses are designed and built to compensate for temperature drifts, which helps reduce the need to recollimate the lens.

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