Rent Wooden Camera UVF Mount V2 NATO Rail Kit in Brooklyn Manhattan Ny Nyc Nj Pa

Wooden Camera UVF Mount V2 NATO Rail Kit


Rent Wooden Camera UVF Mount V2 NATO Rail Kit in New York City.

The Wooden Camera UVF Mount V2 NATO Rail Kit enables you to attach and adjust a viewfinder on a rig. A mounting bracket for viewfinders is included. Most viewfinders are compatible. The bracket attaches to the NATO rail of the kit. The NATO rail features industry standard dimensions, so any NATO-compatible bracket is interchangeable with the included one. An adapter for using Alphatron viewfinders and SmallHD viewfinders/LCDs comes included.

The NATO rail, the mounting bracket, a 15mm tube clamp, and a 15mm rod are the parts of the kit. The clamp attaches to two 1/4″ threads spaced between 25 and 36mm apart and it holds the rod. And the NATO rail connects onto to the rod. A safety pin at the end of the rail will prevent the viewfinder mounting bracket from accidentally removing.


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