Matthews Undersling for Intel-A-Jib Lite Rental NYC

Matthews Undersling for Intel-A-Jib Lite


Rent Matthews Undersling for Intel-A-Jib Lite in New York City.

The Intel-A-Jib UnderSling LITE from Matthews is a mount designed specifically for the Intel-A-Jib LITE jib arm. The UnderSling LITE allows you to work freely under the jib arm from absolute ground level to up as high as you can reach without obstruction from the arm itself. The UnderSling LITE comes with various 1/4″ and 3/8″ tapped holes for mounting monitors and other small camera accessories.

By releasing the large black handle, you can flip and lock the camera upside-down or in any direction within 360°. Two pressure knobs allow for easy pan friction adjustment. You can also pan/tilt directly from your fluid head if needed. The system has little moving parts and features a tool-free setup.


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